Monday 20 May 2013


Dory is probably the most friendly and most sociable fish in the whole of the ocean. She loves talking to any fish and would love to tell them her life story, but she can't...Dory suffers from short term memory loss. 

Dory helps Marlin on his quest to find his son, but at times, Marlin takes advantage of Dory and her memory loss, although after a while he does regret doing this as she gets physically hurt from him taking advantage. However Dory is always there for Marlin and comforts him when he becomes more and more upset. 

Near the end of the film Marlin leaves Dory as he feels as if there is no point in continuing searching, but Dory carries on searching for Nemo. She is determined to find him and prove to Marlin that he shouldn't give up. 

Eventually Dory finds Nemo and they then find Marlin together. Eventhough Nemo has no clue who Dory is, he soon gets to know her and they become great friends and she ends up living with Marlin and Nemo. 



After losing his wife and family to the ocean, Marlin is left alone to raise his only surviving child, Nemo. Marlin struggles to let go of Nemo when he first goes to school as he is extremely worried that he could loose him at any point. Although Marlin is a very caring father towards Nemo he can also in some cases be very impatient and short tempered with him - but this is only because he cares for him so much. When Nemo is taken my divers, Marlin begins to panic as he doesn't want Nemo to be taken from him forever, so he feels as if he has to risk everything just to find him. He has to build up enough courage to be able to search the depths of the ocean to find his son.  

Whilst Marlin is on his journey trying to find Nemo he meets another fish called 'Dory'. To begin with Marlin doesn't understand Dory but as the film progresses he begins to understand her. Despite the fact he can get easily annoyed at her he sticks with her at all times and they both keep each other company.

Eventually when Marlin finds Nemo he is much happier but he also seems to trust Nemo a bit more. Also their relationship has become much stronger and they were much happier together. 



Nemo is a Clown Fish who lives in an anemone with his dad (Marlin). He was the only unborn fish that managed to survive the shark attack, which killed his Mum (Coral) and his other unborn brothers and sisters. Therefore as Nemo is the only child left with Marlin and he is very protective over his only son. He also worries about Nemo due to the fact he was born with withered fin and finds it hard to swim after a long period of time. This is because during the shark attack Nemos egg was damaged.

When Nemo is due to start his first day of school Marlin almost seems scared to let him go. Marlin constantly warns Nemo about the dangers of the ocean and how much trouble he could get into if he swam into the open water. Nemo finds this annoying and doesn't see why his dad is beng so overprotective.

Although Nemo thought his dad was just trying to nag him about these dangers he did listen to him and when him and his friends began to play a game, Nemo said he didn't want to play because he knew it could be dangerous. However as soon as Marlin turned up and saw them playing he instantly thought Nemo was going to join in - because of this Nemo decided to rebel against his dad.

After Nemo is taken by divers, the only thing he has on his mind is his dad and he wishes that he would have never rebelled. He is worried that he will never see his dad again and this makes him extremely upset. But eventually when he is reunited with his dad towards the end, he shows that he is happier than ever to be back with him.

Finding Nemo

My favourite movie of all time is Finding Nemo. I believe that Finding Nemo is the best Disney movie that has ever been made. I can remember going to see it in the cinema in 2003 (when it first came out) and afterwards saying that it was my favourite film, and ever since that day it has been my favourite.

Plot Summary of the Film: 
A clown fish named Marlin lives in the Great barrier reef with his son, Nemo. On Nemo's first day of school he ventures out into the open sea, even though his dad had constantly been warning him about the dangers of the ocean. Nemo's friends start to play a game to see who can touch the boat, but then Nemo's dad (Marlin) turns up and suspects Nemo is going to join in to (but Nemo had said he wont join in with them). Nemo then rebels against his dad and decides to swim out and touch the boat. After he reached the boat he began to swim back. A diver then captures him and swims off back to the boat with Nemo. Marlin swims after the diver to try rescue his son, but it was too late.

Nemo had been taken to Sydney and been put in a fish tank in a dentists room, however Marlin doesn't know this. Marlin trys his hardest to find his son by searching the ocean but he was having  no luck. Whilst he is trying to look for Nemo he bumps into a fish (Dory) and asks if she has seen a boat. She said yes and told Marlin to follow her. After he had been following her for a while, she becomes confused and asks why he is following her.
At this point Marlin becomes frustrated with Dory and he doesn't understand why she is acting so strangely and not remembering the reason he is following her. Dory then admits to him that she has short term memory loss and forgets things almost instantly. Even though Marlin gets frustrated with Dory they continue searching the depths of the ocean for Nemo.